Notebook for my sister - birthday present
Hi all,
Although it's been a while since by sister's birthday, I finaly made her a gift. And since we are sisters and she loves me so much, she forgave me for this delay...
I already made her a card if you remember.So here is the notebook I made her, with the colors she loves. I told her to write inside her thoughts and wishes... like the diary we used to write when we were children (memories....). The details are following.
Now some details:
I made the inner pages myself with PowerPoint and double-sided printer option (if someone would like the file I will be happy to send). I added some stickers in the inner pages for happy thoughts...
I added an envelope to the inner back cover - for some things she would like to keep (pictures? notes?).
The papers MME's, the letters are Thickers, the small letters - I don't know which company.
Anyway, when I gave it to her she was very happy and I was happy that she is happy.
I love you sister - have a happy birthday, and I promise that next year you will get your present on your birthday day.
מקסים ! אחותך הרוויחה אחות אוהבת ומוכשרת... ! :-)
השבמחקמחברת מקסימה!
השבמחקאיזה יופי! מקסים
השבמחקראיתי במציאות, מחברת מקסימה כמו היוצרת, כיף שיש מיכל כזו במשפחה
המחברת מקסימה, מיכל! וזה כיף, כי כל פעם שאחותך תכתוב בה היא תחשוב עליך (Happy thoughts...)
השבמחקמיכל המחברת משגעת!!
השבמחקכיף שיש אחות כמוך
איזה כייף לאחותך! יצא מדהים.
השבמחק♥Olá, amiga!
השבמחקPassei para outra visitinha...
O caderno ficou muito fofo, um encanto!
Boa semana!!!
קצת באיחור... זה מקסים. כ"כ עדין ושקט, כמו שאני אוהבת. כייף לאחותך!!